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Understanding Regulatory Inspections for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic products must adhere to strict compliance standards, as outlined in both the consumer code and the regulation specific to cosmetic products. Due to the complexities involved, it’s essential to collaborate with professionals who specialise in ensuring these products meet the required standards. The Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009, specifically articles 22 and 37, addresses inspection activities. …

What is the China cosmetics regulation 2021

From the EU to China: Understanding the Additional Steps for Cosmetics Regulatory Compliance Expanding your business to new markets can be a great way to grow your brand and increase revenue. However, selling products in different regions often requires additional steps to ensure regulatory compliance. If you’re already selling cosmetics that comply with EU regulations …

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French labelling and packaging requirements for consumer goods

To align with upcoming EU measures focusing on the circular economy and product sustainability, France has recently introduced new environmental labelling regulations. These French labelling and packaging requirements specifically target consumer goods that contribute to waste generation, aiming to encourage companies to provide accurate information to consumers. Starting from 1st January 2023, these rules will …

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Importing Cosmetics from China into the EU: A Guide

Congratulations on expanding your brand in China! It’s a wise choice considering China’s impressive year-on-year growth rate, which is the highest among the top five global markets, as reported by Statista. Since your products have successfully gone through the registration process in China, you are familiar with the various technical documents and tests required for …

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Product Labelling of Cosmetics in Europe

Understanding the product labelling of cosmetics in Europe is crucial for any manufacturer or distributor selling cosmetic products on the European market. These EU cosmetics labelling requirements are outlined in Regulation 1223/2009 and aim to ensure consumer safety and transparency as it provides specific rules governing the production and marketing of cosmetic products. Article 19 …

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Italian Labelling and Packaging Requirements

ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING IN ITALY: WHAT IS AT STAKE? For a long time, there has been a growing demand for transparency in environmental sustainability regarding packaging and packaging waste. As early as 1997, the European legislator had anticipated the need for an environmental labelling system applicable to packaging. Although most companies adopted this voluntary system, it …