A close-up shot of a jar of Vegan gel cream placed among green plants and yellow flowers, emphasizing a natural and vegan-friendly product.

Vegan, natural, organic, and clean cosmetics: What’s the difference?

Vegan, natural, organic, clean, and cruelty-free cosmetics: Are they all the same? What are the differences? In this article, we aim to clarify this varied and multifaceted world. The trend in choosing beauty products has changed dramatically in recent years. It is indisputable: there is an increasing demand for more natural ingredients and environmentally friendly …

woman squeezing sunscreen product in her hand

European Regulations for sunscreen products

Although summer may seem far off, if you’re planning to launch a sunscreen product campaign in Europe during that season, it’s important to begin familiarising yourself with the regulations that apply to European sunscreens. Understanding these rules is crucial as they will significantly influence the formulation of your product, especially if you are targeting the …

Spanish flag with a blue sky background - Requirements for Packaging and Plastic Tax in Spain

Requirements for Packaging, Circular Economy, Environmental Label, and Plastic Tax in Spain

On December 28, 2022, Royal Decree 1055/2022 was published in the Official State Gazette, focusing on Packaging and Packaging Waste. The aims of this decree are twofold: first, to align Spain’s packaging legislation with the new extended producer responsibility scheme initiated by the European Union, which now encompasses industrial and commercial packaging; and second, to …

close up of a flower - new labelling rules for fragrance allergens

EU Commission’s Amendment to Cosmetic Regulation: New Labelling Rules for Fragrance Allergens

Allergens on Cosmetic Labels: A Recent Regulatory Update In recent weeks, a significant regulatory change has taken place in the cosmetics industry. The European Union has introduced new allergens, in addition to the existing 26, that must now be listed on the labels of cosmetic products. In this article, we will delve into what these …

image of the French flag over a blue sky-french labeling and packaging requirements

French labelling and packaging requirements for consumer goods

To align with upcoming EU measures focusing on the circular economy and product sustainability, France has recently introduced new environmental labelling regulations. These regulations specifically target consumer goods that contribute to waste generation, aiming to encourage companies to provide accurate information to consumers. Starting from 1st January 2023, these rules will be enforced based on …

labeled bottle of cosmetic product- product labelling cosmetics europe

Product Labelling of Cosmetics in Europe

Understanding the labelling requirements for cosmetics is crucial for any manufacturer or distributor selling products in the European Union. These EU cosmetics labelling requirements are outlined in Regulation 1223/2009 and aim to ensure consumer safety and transparency as it provides specific rules governing the production and marketing of cosmetic products. Article 19 of the Regulation …

black cosmetics bottle

Italian Labelling and Packaging Requirements

ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING IN ITALY: WHAT IS AT STAKE? For a long time, there has been a growing demand for transparency in environmental sustainability regarding packaging and packaging waste. As early as 1997, the European legislator had anticipated the need for an environmental labelling system applicable to packaging. Although most companies adopted this voluntary system, it …

clean beauty, green beauty, clean cosmetics, natural, bio


WHAT IS A NATURAL, ORGANIC COSMETIC THAT RESPECTS THE ENVIRONMENT? Legally, there is no definition of what constitutes a “natural cosmetic.” There are no guidelines specifying which substances a product should or should not contain and at what concentration. Additionally, there is no standard method for validating “green” cosmetics. As a result, we have seen …